Our Services

In today's competitive landscape effective marketing is essential to the success of any business, particularly in the field of healthcare. A well-developed strategy is a start but creating a compelling multimedia campaign plays a crucial role in connecting with your target audience, building brand awareness, and driving patient engagement and retention. We're confident that we can help you achieve your goals and make a lasting impact on the healthcare landscape.


Thoughtful gestures have a big impact. They not only enrich the customer experience but also serve powerful catalysts for client engagement, fostering patient retention and elevating brand awareness. Our offerings encompass engaging giveaways and memorable events, including Christmas campaigns and thoughtfully crafted lunchboxes for meetings.

Brand Identity

The significance of brand identity and its interplay with the target audience in the healthcare sector is often underestimated. However, in today's competitive landscape, it plays a pivotal role, and this is where our expertise comes into play. By working closely with you, our expert team will craft a distinctive and compelling brand identity that resonates with your target audience.


Our comprehensive design service portfolio includes high-quality print materials, ranging from eye-catching flyers to captivating posters. We also provide study support materials for patients and investigators, such as pocket cards containing the most important facts about the study. Depending on your needs these meticulously crafted resources are designed to enhance the overall experience, fostering better communication, and understanding throughout the clinical trial journey.


We understand that a successful trial necessitates a well-rounded marketing approach, and this extends to digital solutions. To ensure maximum success, a multimedia marketing campaign is crucial. That's why we offer a range of digital solutions, including the setup of digital newsletters, dynamic screens, and impactful email banners.

Social Media

In an ever-evolving marketing landscape, the significance of social media continues to grow. While traditional marketing methods still hold value, the relevance of social media is continuously rising. We understand the power of social media and its constant evolution. Always at the forefront of new trends, we possess the expertise to navigate this dynamic world effectively, utilizing it to enhance your brand presence and engage your target audience.

Motion Design

As a design agency we know the power of motion design and how to utilize it. Motion Design is an important tool to craft compelling animations, captivating visual narratives and to present complicated content in simple and engaging way. Sounds and pictures have the ability to create emotional connections with the audience. Integrating motion design elements into your content can significantly amplify your message and drive meaningful engagement and sales.

Teaming up with PURPLE & PINE was a total game changer. With their deep understanding of the patient journey their expertise goes beyond aesthetics. The Result? A smoothly executed trial.

Project Manager \ SCOPE International US