Project Case Study

Multiple Sclerosis

In short

For the layout of our multiple sclerosis study, we chose bright red, dark blue, and cyan for strong visual contrast. Given that multiple sclerosis (MS) is, in part, a condition affecting the mind, featuring a prominent red brain as a captivating focal point on the top half of the flyer makes for an ideal eye-catching element. By utilizing strategic color accents, the study's main message can be readily understood.

Approximately <span style="color:#e72a64">2.8 million people worldwide</span> are currently affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), making it a highly prevalent disease that primarily impacts the central nervous system, encompassing both the brain and spinal cord. MS has a wide range of symptoms such as impaired vision, muscle weakness, tingling sensations, instability, cognitive difficulties, and persistent fatigue. <span style="color:#e72a64">Right now, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. That is why clinical studies in this field are so important.</span>

\ branding
\ logo design
\ posters
\ flyers
\ meeting agenda
\ sticker

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